
6 Signs You Need a Professional Roof Replacement

6 Signs You Need a Professional Roof Replacement

Roofs are often the unsung heroes of our homes, as we tend to completely forget about them until some issue or complication has reached the point of no return. But what is that point, exactly – when does a roof require a total replacement?

While many minor roofing maintenance issues can be fixed with a roof repair visit from your local Twin Cities contractor, such as a pesky leak, damaged shingles, or clogged gutters, there are plenty of signs that your roof may be reaching the end of its lifespan. Schedule an inspection once a year to keep an eye on things up there.

Yes, installing a new roof is quite the investment for the average homeowner. But thinking about the possible long-term ramifications of failing to replace your roof in a timely manner can certainly outweigh its short-term hurdles.

To ensure your home stays safe and secure for many years to come, here are six tell-tale signs that it’s time to seek out a local roofing contractor to finally replace your roof.

1. Age

Just as with many things in life, the older something gets, the worse it will perform.

This logic can be especially applied to roofing performance, as once you enter the second decade of a roof’s life, it’s all but guaranteed you can expect some significant complications and issues in the immediate future.

To get a better feel for where your roof is at in relation to its age and performance, here’s a general guideline of the life expectancy for common roofing materials:

  • Asphalt Shingle Roofs (3-Tab Shingles): 15-20 years
  • Asphalt Shingle Roofs (Dimensional Shingles): 20-25 years
  • Wood Shingle Roofs: 20 years
  • Metal Roofs: 40-80 years
  • Slate Shingles or Concrete/Clay Tile Roofs: 60-200 years

If you suspect your roof is reaching the end of its line based on the projected longevity of its materials, then it’s definitely time to give your local roofing contractor a call for an inspection.

2. Storm Damage

Snowstorms, hurricanes, hail damage – Mother Nature has quite the arsenal of severe weather conditions that can do quite a number of your roof’s performance.

If your home has recently endured the wrath of a severe storm, failing to have your roof professionally inspected in the aftermath could leave your home at risk of deteriorating structural integrity.

Downspouts, gutters, vents, flashing; significant storm damage endured by any of these roofing attachments can lead to more severe consequences, such as flooding or even possible collapse.

The best way to see if your roof is structurally sound after a big storm is to request a roof inspection from the experts at Roofers of Minnesota.

3. Evidence of Rotting, Mold, or Mildew

It’s never a good sign when you start to notice evidence of mold, mildew, or fungi starting to accumulate on your roof.

Any indication of fungi means that there’s moisture trapped within your roof’s materials, which not only ruins your roof over time, but can lead to more costly complications, such as a drooping or sagging roof.

Nipping this problem in the bud right away is the best course of action to avoid costly roof repairs, but failing to do so will certainly warrant consideration in replacing your roof entirely.

4. Drooping or Sagging

The ultimate point of no return when it comes to roof performance? A drooping or sagging roof. This means your home is in serious jeopardy of collapsing or enduring long-term structural integrity issues. While sometimes you can wait a little longer to replace your roof, you don’t want to hesitate if you notice drooping or sagging. Your home and your safety could be in real danger.

A droopy or sagging roof is often a result of significant water damage experienced and is a sure-fire sign that you need to get your roof replaced immediately.

5. Skyrocketing Energy Bills

Have your energy or utility bills been constantly on the rise of late? Odds are, your roof is the culprit for your newfound expenses.

Insufficient insulation, improper sealing, misalignment, holes, leaks, misalignment – the list goes on and on when it comes to contributing roofing factors for a skyrocketing energy bill. While some issues can be resolved through routine roofing maintenance or repairs, full-on roof replacement is a foolproof means for reducing your utility bills once and for all.

Also, a new roof is likely much more energy efficient, especially if you go with certain roofing materials.

6. You Don’t Like How It Looks

While there are many practical and safety reasons to replace your roof, you don’t need to have a falling apart roof to make a change. It’s common for people to change their design tastes, and over time, trends in home exteriors will change.

If you are looking to do a renovation on your home, a new roof can upgrade the entire look and improve curb appeal. You will likely be able to sell your home for more money with a more contemporary-looking roof, or you can just enjoy the look of the roof you choose.

Get Residential Roofing Solutions From Experienced Experts

Thinking it’s time your Minnesota roof might need to be replaced? Hiring a trustworthy local roofing contractor is the first step to determining what course of action is best suited for your roofing needs.

At Roofers of Minnesota, we offer extensive residential roofing services to ensure that your roof remains intact and operating at peak performance for many years to come.

Contact us today to request a quote and get started on repairing your roof right away!